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Practical Instructor Course v1.7

Lektor Practical Instructor Course is certified and compliant with the regulation (EU) 2015/340. It has been designed for experienced Air Traffic Controllers in terms to provide the necessary fundamental competencies to enable the issue of a practical instructor (OJTI or STDI) endorsement to an ATCO licence.

Lektor is an (EU) 2015/340 certified Air Traffic Controllers Training Organisation, provider of practical instructor training.


-Successful course completion and course assessment report.
-Successful competence assessment and competence assessment report.
  • Course Introduction
  • Welcome
  • Your personal facilitator
  • Course Structure
  • Course's General Info
  • Identity Verification
  • Course Assessment
  • Course Navigation
  • Lektor's Instructor Skills Trainer
  • Your passport image
  • Picture of YOU holding your passport
  • End of the section
  • The Instructor profile
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • Your take on the instructor
  • Your personal instructor profile
  • The good & bad instructor
  • Formal Requirements
  • Informal Requirements
  • The Instructor's Purpose
  • Summary on the instructor profile
  • Quiz on Instructor Profile
  • End of the section
  • Learner & Learning
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • How do we learn?
  • Goals
  • Why are training objectives important?
  • Learning styles
  • Stages of the learning process
  • How do leaners become competent?
  • What are mental models?
  • The problem with mental models
  • Questions and comments about this section
  • Why should you care about mental models?
  • How our mental models can affect our students
  • How can you use mental models with your students?
  • Who is the main character in the training event?
  • Important Questions
  • Building new knowledge
  • Being active by speaking
  • Learner-centered decisions
  • The learner or the trainer at the centre?
  • Questions and comments about this section
  • Learner & Learning Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Motivation
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What is motivation?
  • About the following block
  • Motivation
  • Motivation quiz
  • Questions and comments about motivation
  • Our needs in Motivation
  • Our needs in motivation Quiz
  • How does motivation relate to other sections of this course?
  • How to motivate my students' Autonomy
  • How to motivate my students' Competence
  • How to motivate my students' Relatedness
  • How to motivate my students and myself
  • How do you think instructors’ motivation will affect the quality of training?
  • How to motivate the Relatedness need
  • How to motivate the Competence need
  • How to motivate the Autonomy need
  • Questions and comments about motivation
  • Motivation Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Instructor-Leader
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • Can you be a leader?
  • Basic Leadership Styles
  • Leadership Styles quiz
  • Find Your Own Leadership Preference
  • The Structure of Tasks
  • Questions or comments about the instructor-leader
  • Students' Readiness and needs
  • Students' Readiness quiz
  • Relationships
  • Get them on the right group
  • Apply your leadership
  • Leadership Task
  • The styles of the instructor-leader and when to use them
  • Questions or comments about the instructor-leader
  • Instructor-leader Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Psychological Safety
  • Start of the section
  • What is Psychological safety?
  • The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety
  • How does psychological safety relate to other sections of this course?
  • What is NOT psychological safety intro to video
  • What is NOT psychological safety video
  • Questions or comments about psychological safety
  • Why do we need psychological safety?
  • How to foster psychological safety
  • Relationships and Trust
  • What is trust?
  • Trust building from the first impression
  • How to build trust
  • Questions or comments about psychological safety
  • Quiz on Psychological Safety
  • Final Psychological Safety Assignment
  • Psychological Safety Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Briefing
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What does briefing mean to you?
  • How does briefing relate to other sections of this course?
  • Briefing - why do we need it?
  • Briefing elements
  • Summary quiz on briefing I
  • Questions or comments about briefing
  • The Agreement
  • Briefing structure
  • Assignment on briefing structure
  • Briefing communication
  • Practical execution
  • Questions or comments about briefing
  • Summary quiz on briefing II
  • Briefing Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Demonstration
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • Your experiences of demonstration?
  • How does demonstration relate to other parts of this course?
  • Introduction to instructional techniques
  • What is demonstration?
  • Active instructor - active student
  • When to use demonstration?
  • Questions and comments about demonstration
  • Learning and student in the focus of demonstrations
  • Demonstration in practice
  • Questions and comments about demonstration
  • Quiz on demonstration
  • Demonstration Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Communication
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What is Communication
  • The problem with communication
  • How to understand communication
  • Main barriers to effective communication
  • Other barriers to effective communication
  • Why do we have conflict?
  • How to avoid miscommunication
  • How does communication relate to other sections of this course?
  • Questions and comments about communication
  • Elements of Active Listening
  • How to be a better listener
  • How to be a better listener task
  • Time for a break!
  • What is assertiveness and why do you need it?
  • Communication Styles
  • How do you think assertiveness affects your work as an instructor?
  • How to be assertive
  • Let's practice being assertive!
  • Assertiveness task II
  • Assertiveness task III
  • Assertiveness task IV
  • Assertiveness task V
  • Questions and comments about communication
  • Active Listening Quiz
  • Final Active Listening Assignment
  • How to solve conflicts
  • What would your approach be to solve this conflict?
  • Communication Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Situational Awareness
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What do you understand by Situational Awareness?
  • How does Situational Awareness relate to other parts of this course?
  • Losing Situational Awareness
  • What is Situational Awareness?
  • Situational Awareness Case
  • Mental Models
  • Questions and comments about Situational Awareness
  • How is SA formed?
  • SA within individuals and teams
  • Instructor/Student SA
  • Situational Awareness communication
  • Questions and comments about Situational Awareness
  • Quiz on Situational Awareness
  • Situational Awareness Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Monitoring
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • Your experiences of monitoring?
  • How does monitoring relate to other parts of this course?
  • What is monitoring?
  • Active student - active instructor
  • When to use monitoring?
  • Questions or comments about monitoring?
  • Learning and student in the focus
  • Instructor roles during monitoring
  • Safety vs. training
  • Quiz on monitoring
  • Note-taking
  • Combining training methods
  • Questions or comments about monitoring?
  • Quiz on note-taking and combining methods
  • Monitoring Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Stress and Fatigue
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What causes stress?
  • Common Stressors
  • Stressor categories and types
  • Identify the stressors
  • Stress effects
  • Effects of stress during training
  • How does stress and fatigue relate to other parts of this course?
  • Questions or comments about stress and fatigue
  • How does stress affect us?
  • How can we recognise stress in our trainees?
  • Signs & symptoms of stress
  • Managing stress in training
  • What is stress?
  • Fatigue during training
  • Effects of fatigue
  • How can fatigue affect a student during training?
  • A lifestyle to manage fatigue
  • Questions or comments about stress and fatigue
  • Coping and helping to cope with stress
  • Stress and Fatigue Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Errors and Intervention
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What do you think about errors and intervention?
  • How do errors and intervention relate to other parts on this course?
  • What is an error?
  • Error categories
  • Quiz on error categories
  • Errors and the student
  • How to address errors
  • Questions and comments about errors and intervention
  • Introduction to error correction
  • Error categorisation
  • Error correction - when?
  • Errors that can be prevented
  • Error correction - how?
  • Intervention
  • Who is in control?
  • Questions and comments about errors and intervention
  • Quiz on intervention
  • Errors and Intervention Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Feedback
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What do you think of feedback?
  • What is feedback and who is it for?
  • How does feedback relate to other sections of this course?
  • Feedback Models
  • The Lektor Way
  • Questions or comments about feedback
  • Prepare feedback
  • Quiz on The Lektor Way
  • Ongoing feedback
  • Quiz on Ongoing feedback
  • Feedback types
  • “Non-feedback”
  • Quiz on “non-feedback”
  • Reactions/Coping
  • Quiz on Reactions/Coping
  • Questions or comments about feedback
  • Asking for feedback
  • Feedback Learning Journal/Survey
  • Summary on Feedback
  • End of the section
  • Debriefing
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • What does debriefing mean to you?
  • How does debriefing relate to other parts of this course?
  • Defusing training session expectations
  • Debriefing vs. briefing
  • Summary quiz on debriefing I
  • Questions and comments about debriefing
  • Debriefing elements
  • Debriefing structure
  • Quiz on debriefing structure
  • Debriefing communication
  • Practical execution
  • Questions and comments about debriefing
  • Summary quiz on debriefing II
  • Debriefing Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Assignments
  • Final Active Listening Assignment
  • Barriers to effective learning
  • Assessment and report writing section
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • Lektor's competence assessment case
  • Reports
  • Good reports
  • Assessments
  • Questions and comments about Assessment and Report Writing
  • Why do we need assessments?
  • Report writing techniques
  • Students need to be ready for the assessment
  • Maintaining objectivity
  • Instructor responsibilities
  • Reporting assignment
  • Questions and comments about Assessment and Report Writing
  • Learning Journal/Survey on Assessment and Report Writing
  • End of the section
  • Regulation and organisation
  • Start of the section
  • Intro
  • Regulation and Organisation research assignment
  • Questions or comments about regulations?
  • Initial training
  • Initial training plan
  • Unit Training
  • Unit training plan
  • Unit training structure
  • Competency
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • OJTI vs. STDI
  • Privileges and requirements I
  • Privileges and requirements II
  • Privileges and requirements III
  • Privileges and requirements IV
  • Privileges and requirements V
  • Questions or comments about regulations?
  • Regulation and Organisation Learning Journal/Survey
  • End of the section
  • Course Feedback
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years